Vitamin B6
Clinical Background:
Important for many metabolic reactions, particularly serotonin and tryptophan formation. Essential cofactor for aminotransferase enzymes. Deficiency may occur in the diet, due to drugs such as ison...
Important for many metabolic reactions, particularly serotonin and tryptophan formation. Essential cofactor for aminotransferase enzymes. Deficiency may occur in the diet, due to drugs such as isoniazid and penicillamine, and as an IMD/IEM. Symptoms of deficiency are skin changes (scaling, hyperpigmentation), tongue inflammation, depression and irritability. Toxicity results in peripheral neuropathy and encephalopathy. Elevated B6 may be seen with hypophosphatasia. Clinical manifestations include defective skeletal mineralisation resulting in osteomalacia/rickets and dental problems
Test Details
Specimen Container Adult:
EDTA whole blood
EDTA whole blood
Specimen Container Paediatric:
EDTA whole blood
EDTA whole blood
Minimum Volume Adult:
0.5 mL
0.5 mL
Minimum Volume Paediatric:
0.5 mL
0.5 mL
Special Requirement:
Protect samples from light and transport to the lab ASAP.
Protect samples from light and transport to the lab ASAP.
Reference Ranges:
35 - 110 nmol/L
35 - 110 nmol/L
Routine Contact Name:
Duty Biochemist
Routine Telephone:
Freeman: 0191 244 8889
RVI: 0191 282 9719
Freeman: 0191 244 8889
RVI: 0191 282 9719
Routine Email: