Red Blood Cell Count (part of FBC)
Clinical Background:
The RBC enumerates the number of red blood cells in the peripheral blood and is expressed as x10^12/L. Red blood cells contain Haemoglobin the protein which is repsonsible for oxygen transport from...
The RBC enumerates the number of red blood cells in the peripheral blood and is expressed as x10^12/L. Red blood cells contain Haemoglobin the protein which is repsonsible for oxygen transport from the lungs to the tissues. The amount of oxygen that is delivered to the tissues depends on the number of red cells present and how normally they function. Used as part of health screening and monitoring treatment and/or progression in disorders that affect red cell numbers such as anaemia or CHD
Test Details
Specimen Container Adult:
Purple - EDTA
Purple - EDTA
Specimen Container Paediatric:
Light Pink - EDTA
Light Pink - EDTA
Minimum Volume Adult:
Minimum Volume Paediatric:
Special Requirement:
Ensure adequate mixing.
Ensure adequate mixing.
Sample Stability:
24 hrs
24 hrs
Transport Requirements:
Samples should be transported to lab without delay
Samples should be transported to lab without delay
Freq Analysis:
Add On Test: (external) (external)
Quality Assurance:
UK NEQAS Haematology
UK NEQAS Haematology
Reference Ranges:
The following should be used only as a guide as patient specific age and sex related ranges are available electronically.
Male 4.50 - 5.50 x 10'12/L
Female 3.80 - 4.80 x 10'12/L.
The following should be used only as a guide as patient specific age and sex related ranges are available electronically.
Male 4.50 - 5.50 x 10'12/L
Female 3.80 - 4.80 x 10'12/L.
Other Info:
As part of a full blood count
As part of a full blood count
Routine Contact Name:
RVI or Freeman Section Leaders
Routine Telephone:
RVI: 0191 2820332, Freeman: 0191 2231195
RVI: 0191 2820332, Freeman: 0191 2231195
Specialist Test:
Specialist Contact Name:
Haematology and Haemostasis Healthcare Scientist
Haematology and Haemostasis Healthcare Scientist
Specialist Telephone:
0191 2139758
0191 2139758
Specialist Email: