Homocysteine Assay
Clinical Background:
Homocysteine is a non-protein amino acid biosynthesised from methionine and is involved in the folate cycle. High levels of Homocysteine in the blood makes an individual more prone to endothelial c...
Homocysteine is a non-protein amino acid biosynthesised from methionine and is involved in the folate cycle. High levels of Homocysteine in the blood makes an individual more prone to endothelial cell injury in the blood vessels which leads to inflammation. This can lead to atherogenesis and ischaemic injury. Hyperhomocysteinaemia is a risk factor for coronary artery disease, it is also associated with early pregnancy loss.
Test Details
Haematology - Specials
Haematology - Specials
Specimen Container Adult:
Sodium Citrate
Sodium Citrate
Specimen Container Paediatric:
Sodium Citrate
Sodium Citrate
Minimum Volume Adult:
Minimum Volume Paediatric:
Special Requirement:
Collect on ice and transport to lab immediately, ensure adequate mixing. Please clearly state time of collection on sample, stability is time and temperature dependant
Collect on ice and transport to lab immediately, ensure adequate mixing. Please clearly state time of collection on sample, stability is time and temperature dependant
Sample Stability:
1 hour at room temperature
8 hours if collected and sent on ice
1 hour at room temperature
8 hours if collected and sent on ice
Transport Requirements:
Samples should be transported to lab ON ICE without delay
Samples should be transported to lab ON ICE without delay
Freq Analysis:
As required or weekly
As required or weekly
Add On Test:
tnu-tr.bloodsciencesadditions@nhs.net (external)
tnu-tr.bloodsciencesadditions@nhs.net (external)
Quality Assurance:
UK NEQAS Coagulation
UK NEQAS Coagulation
Reference Ranges:
Male: 6.42 - 11.54umol/L
Female: 5.35 - 10.21umol/L
Male: 6.42 - 11.54umol/L
Female: 5.35 - 10.21umol/L
Factors Affecting Result:
Samples must be transported on ice and plasma separated from red cells ASAP
Samples must be transported on ice and plasma separated from red cells ASAP
Other Info:
Quantitative assay of homocysteine level.
Quantitative assay of homocysteine level.
Routine Contact Name:
RVI or Freeman Section Leaders
Routine Telephone:
RVI: 0191 2820332, Freeman: 0191 2231195
RVI: 0191 2820332, Freeman: 0191 2231195
Routine Email:
Specialist Test:
Specialist Contact Name:
Haematology and Haemostasis Healthcare Scientist
Haematology and Haemostasis Healthcare Scientist
Specialist Telephone:
0191 2139758
0191 2139758
Specialist Email: