HIV 1+2 Antibody/p24 Antigen
Clinical Background:
Screening test for HIV infection (4th generation assay). HIV Serology Measures the amount of antibodies against HIV and HIV specific antigens that are present in the blood. A positive test must be ...
Screening test for HIV infection (4th generation assay). HIV Serology Measures the amount of antibodies against HIV and HIV specific antigens that are present in the blood. A positive test must be confirmed by other tests before definitive diagnosis can be made. The test may be positive 2-4 weeks after infection however to fully exlude recent infection a sample should be sent at least 3 months after suspected exposure.
Test Details
Specimen Container Adult:
Clotted blood - Gold SST
Clotted blood - Gold SST
Specimen Container Paediatric:
Clotted blood
Clotted blood
Minimum Volume Adult:
5 ml
5 ml
Minimum Volume Paediatric:
1 ml
1 ml
Special Requirement:
Send to laboratory as quickly as possible. If delays likely, refrigerate at 2-8 deg C
Send to laboratory as quickly as possible. If delays likely, refrigerate at 2-8 deg C
Sample Stability:
Stable for up to 24 hours
Stable for up to 24 hours
Transport Requirements:
Add On Test:
Possible up to 5 days
Possible up to 5 days
Quality Assurance:
UK National External Quality Assurance Scheme (UKNEQAS)
UK National External Quality Assurance Scheme (UKNEQAS)
May be negative for up to 3 months following infection (window period).
May be negative for up to 3 months following infection (window period).
Reference Ranges:
None available
None available
Factors Affecting Result:
If delays likely, refrigerate at 2-8 deg C
If delays likely, refrigerate at 2-8 deg C