Newcastle Laboratories

Frozen Sections

Clinical Background:

The Histopathology Department must receive warning of intent to send such material, and no specimen should be dispatched without prior discussion with a member of the pathology staff.

The specimen...

The Histopathology Department must receive warning of intent to send such material, and no specimen should be dispatched without prior discussion with a member of the pathology staff.

The specimen must be placed in a clean, dry container and sealed with a well fitting lid.

Extreme care must be taken to avoid contamination of the outside surfaces of the container.

The container should then be placed in a plastic bag and sealed. If there is a risk of infection, they should be placed in a second bag, sealed and labelled with a Biohazard sticker.

The request form must be kept separate from the specimen, i.e. NOT in the plastic bag(s), but must accompany the container to the laboratory. Request forms must be kept free of any possible risk of contamination.

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Test Details

  • Discipline:

    Cellular Pathology

    Cellular Pathology

  • Specimen Container Adult:

    Fresh, in swab lightly moistened in saline

    Fresh, in swab lightly moistened in saline

  • Specimen Container Paediatric:

    Fresh, in swab lightly moistened in saline

    Fresh, in swab lightly moistened in saline

  • Transport Requirements:

    Send directly to Cellular Pathology, Level 3, New Victoria Wing, Royal Victoria Infirmary,Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4LP

    Send directly to Cellular Pathology, Level 3, New Victoria Wing, Royal Victoria Infirmary,Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4LP

  • Routine Telephone:

    Specimen Reception 0191 282 4565

    General Office 0191 282 4445

    Specimen Reception 0191 282 4565

    General Office 0191 282 4445

  • Specialist Telephone:

    Histopathology 0191 282 9133

    Neuropathology 0191 282 1959

    Histopathology 0191 282 9133

    Neuropathology 0191 282 1959


New referral arrangements must be pre-agreed with the Laboratory, please contact, failure to contact the Laboratory prior to any new sample referrals may result in samples not being processed.

Turn Around:

Target <40 minutes from Freeman Hospital

Send To:

Department of Cellular Pathology

Level 3
New Victoria Wing
Royal Victoria Infirmary
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle upon Tyne

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