Newcastle Laboratories


Clinical Background:

The measurement of anti-TNF alpha biologicals is a useful tool in managing patients who fail to respond (primary failure) or who go on to lose response (secondary failure) to treatment. Monitoring ...

The measurement of anti-TNF alpha biologicals is a useful tool in managing patients who fail to respond (primary failure) or who go on to lose response (secondary failure) to treatment. Monitoring drug levels allows for a personalised approach to drug optimisation by appropriate dose escalation/de-escalation or drug switching/withdrawal.

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Test Details

  • Discipline:



  • Specimen Container Adult:

    Serum (SST or plain tube)

    Serum (SST or plain tube)

  • Specimen Container Paediatric:

    Serum (SST or plain tube)


    Serum (SST or plain tube)


  • Minimum Volume Adult:

    1 mL

    1 mL

  • Minimum Volume Paediatric:

    1 mL

    1 mL

  • Special Requirement:

    Ideally take sample just before drug administration (trough level)

    Ideally take sample just before drug administration (trough level)

  • Sample Stability:

    Keep in fridge until transport.

    If transport is going to be delayed by > 5 days, freeze at -20°C

    Keep in fridge until transport.

    If transport is going to be delayed by > 5 days, freeze at -20°C

  • Transport Requirements:

    First class post at ambient temperature

    First class post at ambient temperature

  • Other Info:

    Lithium heparin, citrate and EDTA plasma samples also acceptable

    Lithium heparin, citrate and EDTA plasma samples also acceptable

  • Routine Contact Name:

    Duty Biochemist

  • Routine Telephone:

    Freeman: 0191 244 8889
    RVI: 0191 282 9719

    Freeman: 0191 244 8889
    RVI: 0191 282 9719

  • Routine Email:


Sample sent to an external laboratory for testing

Turn Around:

4 weeks

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