Newcastle Laboratories

Beta quantification, plasma

Clinical Background:

Beta quantification is regarded as a reference method for the measurement of LDL cholesterol and cholesterol concentrations in other lipoprotein fractions. The Newcastle beta quantification method ...

Beta quantification is regarded as a reference method for the measurement of LDL cholesterol and cholesterol concentrations in other lipoprotein fractions. The Newcastle beta quantification method is a simplified version of the CDC reference method, suitable for routine use. The method consists of an ultracentrifugation step to allow fractionation of lipoprotein classes and lipoprotein electrophoresis is applied to the total plasma and supernatant to improve the characterisation of the lipoprotein phenotype. Beta quantification allows direct measurement of LDL cholesterol and is not affected by high triglyceride concentrations. This makes the method useful for measuring LDL cholesterol when calculations used to estimate LDL cholesterol are not valid (triglycerides greater than 4.5 mmol/L in the case of the Friedewald equation). Beta quantification is also useful in the investigation of mixed hyperlipidaemia, particularly in the diagnosis of familial dysbetalipoproteinaemia (FDBL – aka remnant/type III hyperlipoproteinaemia). FDBL is usually associated with the apo E 2/2 genotype. However, the apo E 2/2 genotype is common (~1% of the population) and penetrance is low. Also, around 10% of cases of FDBL are due to mutations other than the usual E 2/2 genotype and these autosomal dominant mutations are not detected during routine APOE genotype analysis. Beta quantification confirms that the FDBL phenotype is present through identification of beta-migrating VLDL and a raised VLDL-cholesterol to triglyceride ratio.    

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Test Details

  • Discipline:



  • Specimen Container Adult:

    EDTA - Purple

    EDTA - Purple

  • Specimen Container Paediatric:

    EDTA - Purple

    EDTA - Purple

  • Minimum Volume Adult:

    1.5ml Plasma

    1.5ml Plasma

  • Minimum Volume Paediatric:

    1.5ml Plasma

    1.5ml Plasma

  • Special Requirement:

    Take sample after a 12-14 hour overnight fast. Avoid freezing sample as freeze/thawing the sample can affect lipoprotein electrophoresis.

    Take sample after a 12-14 hour overnight fast. Avoid freezing sample as freeze/thawing the sample can affect lipoprotein electrophoresis.

  • Sample Stability:

    Unseparated: 3 Days
    Separated: 7 days at 4-8°C, do not freeze

    Unseparated: 3 Days
    Separated: 7 days at 4-8°C, do not freeze

  • Interpretation:

    An interpretive comment is included with each report.

    An interpretive comment is included with each report.

  • Reference Ranges:

    An interpretive comment is included with each report.

    An interpretive comment is included with each report.

  • Factors Affecting Result:

    Gross haemolysis or icterus may intefere with cholesterol/triglyceride measurement.

    Gross haemolysis or icterus may intefere with cholesterol/triglyceride measurement.

  • Routine Contact Name:

    Duty Biochemist

  • Routine Telephone:

    Freeman: 0191 244 8889

    RVI: 0191 282 9719

    Freeman: 0191 244 8889

    RVI: 0191 282 9719

  • Routine Email:

  • Specialist Test:



  • Specialist Contact Name:

    Endocrine Lab

    Endocrine Lab

  • Specialist Telephone:

    0191 282 4025

    0191 282 4025


Available during full access hours.
Assayed weekly
Site of analysis: RVI

Turn Around:

4 weeks

Send To:

Department of Blood Sciences 

Level 3
Leazes Wing
Royal Victoria Infirmary
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle upon Tyne

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