Newcastle Laboratories


Clinical Background:

Investigation of methanol poisoning


Investigation of methanol poisoning


Test Details

  • Discipline:



  • Specimen Container Adult:

    Fluoride oxalate whole blood

    Fluoride oxalate whole blood

  • Specimen Container Paediatric:

    Fluoride oxalate whole blood

    Fluoride oxalate whole blood

  • Minimum Volume Adult:

    1 mL blood

    1 mL blood

  • Minimum Volume Paediatric:

    1 mL blood

    1 mL blood

  • Freq Analysis:

    Samples are analysed:

    - 9am to 1pm on week-ends and bank holidays

    - 9am to 5pm during weekdays

    Samples are analysed:

    - 9am to 1pm on week-ends and bank holidays

    - 9am to 5pm during weekdays

  • Routine Contact Name:

    Duty Biochemist

  • Routine Telephone:

    Freeman: 0191 244 8889

    RVI: 0191 282 9719

    Freeman: 0191 244 8889

    RVI: 0191 282 9719

  • Routine Email:


Sample sent to an external laboratory for analysis

Please discuss with the duty biochemist / Duty medical officer.

Turn Around:

Same day

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